Rise Gymnastics contains three phases; Discover, Explore and Excel, each of which includes an award scheme and supporting activities to aid delivery. In addition, Explore and Excel also contains a competition framework.
Across the three phases, every child can experience a wide range of activities, fundamental movement patterns and gymnastics skills, embracing their creativity, which leads to reward at every ability level, through success and achievement.
The award scheme is flexible and can be used in an agile way to suit the needs of the club, leisure centre or school meaning that your child may not complete all strands (Core Skills, Apparatus, Working Together) of the award scheme for Explore and Excel.
For example, the club, leisure centre or school may only deliver the Core Skills strand and the Small Apparatus strand. They may however decide to work on all strands.
Equally, the club, leisure centre or school that your child attends may only deliver one or two of the phases. For example they may only deliver Discover and Explore.
Click here to view the Award Scheme Pathway document and the Award Scheme Skill Charts.
Who: for preschool aged children
Structure: Rise Gymnastics Discover has three ability levels which can be delivered through twelve exciting themes (Discover 1: All about me, Dinosaurs, Going to the zoo, Our world, People that help us, The jungle. Discover 2: At the park, Celebrations, Colours, shapes and numbers, Outer space, Under the sea, Woodland). Designed to capture a child's imagination, each theme can be used within adult and child, and independent child sessions. Children can earn rewards as they progress through the exciting-themed activities.
Each award is achieved when the gymnast can complete 12 out of the 16 skills offered.
Rewards: Gymnasts can achieve exciting new medals and certificates for each level. Each Rise Gymnastics Discover theme has a unique certificate. These are awarded to children to recognise their effort and attendance.
Who: for school aged recreational gymnasts
Structure: Rise Gymnastics Explore has an Awards Scheme based around the following three strands:
• Core Skills
• Apparatus
• Working Together
Each strand has four levels through which the gymnast can progress independently of the other strands.
Each award is achieved by completing 8 of the 12 skills offered.
Rewards: Gymnasts can achieve exciting new medals and certificates for each level of each of the three strands.
Who: for advanced and ambitious recreational gymnasts leading to festivals, competitions and discipline specific pathways
Structure: Rise Gymnastics Excel has an Awards Scheme based around the following four strands:
· Core Skills
· Small Apparatus
· Large Apparatus
· Working Together
Each strand has three levels through which the gymnast can progress independently of the other strands.
For Core Skills awards, the gymnast must achieve 10 out of 14 skills. For Small Apparatus, Large Apparatus and Working Together the gymnast must achieve 7 out of 10 skills offered.
Rewards: Gymnasts can achieve exciting new medals and certificates for each level of each of the three strands.
For further support and information on Rise Gymnastics Programme and Award Scheme, the Community Delivery Team is here to help you every step of the way. To get in touch, please email: communitydepartment@british-gymnastics.org.