Outdoor Activity
(Appropriately risk assessed and safeguarding in place)
From 24th May, a full return to outdoor training is permitted with the removal of the limit of 15 participants per group. Social distancing must continue to be maintained except in instances where pair or group (team sport) or coach contact activities are taking place, in line with our frameworks. More information on this is available in the below section (Indoor Activity).
Activities are limited to British Gymnastics endorsed programmes.
Outdoor sessions require the use of sufficient matting, all outdoor skills must take place on a safely matted surface. Approved hand apparatus can be used throughout the session if it is not shared. Large equipment such as bars, trampettes, mushrooms and beams must not be used.
No spectators are permitted. Where possible gymnasts should be dropped off and picked up or parents/carers should remain in cars. Car sharing is not advised and larger congregations or gatherings in areas such as car parks are not permitted.
Indoor Activity
From 24th May, indoor group exercise and training can recommence in numbers limited to suit the venue. The maximum occupancy of each indoor facility should be limited to providing a minimum of 100 sq. ft per person.
Social distancing must continue to be maintained except in instances where pair or group (team sport) or coach contact activities are taking place, in line with our frameworks.
Clubs that wish to deliver the identified pair and group activities will need to adhere to our Team Sport Framework. The Framework outlines additional control measures to put in place to reduce the risk of transmission of Covid-19.
Clubs and coaches/ instructors will be able to introduce our Return to Coach Contact Framework. This will mean that coaches can carry out coach contact and manually support gymnasts in sessions, in line with our guidance.
All face-to-face education courses and assessments have been postponed until further notice, reviewed on-going inline with government guidelines.
TTL, Level 3 theory courses and CPD available online.
UKCC L1 online course pilots for some disciplines underway with a wider online course programme to follow.
Pilots for L1 & L2 (all disciplines) virtual assessments from June.
The NI Executive have announced an indicative date for a return to indoor competitive sport as 31st May.
We’re really looking forward to seeing gymnasts taking part in competitions again soon. We’re currently in the final stages of developing our Return to Events guidance and hope to release this to the gymnastics community shortly.
Eligible elite athletes allowed to resume training at indoor facilities with British Gymnastics sign off.