Adults at risk

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Adults at risk

Adults at risk

This eLearning has been designed to support Welfare Officers, Safeguarding leads, club and facility managers, coaches and any other staff who work with adults in the gymnastics environment. It aims to ensure those in contact with adults as participants or staff are aware of their responsibilities to create a safe environment.

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Course Outline
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Who is this Aimed at:

This eLearning is aimed at anyone who interacts with adults in our sport, whether those adults are participants or colleagues.

If you are a Welfare Officer, Safeguarding lead, club or facility manager, coach, official or volunteer, this eLearning will raise your awareness of your responsibilities to create a safe environment for adults.

What To Expect:

An interactive eLearning resource with four modules to complete plus a quiz to test your knowledge.

Delivery Method:



90 minutes

What Resources Are Included:

eLearning modules, downloadable notes and links to key policies and organisations.


By the end of this eLearning, you should be able to:

  • • Explain the principals of safeguarding adults and why we need to safeguard adults in sport and physical activity.
  • • Identify who an adult at risk may be and apply the principles of safeguarding adults at risk.
  • • Recognise the signs, symptoms, and indictors of abuse.
  • • State the different types of abuse adults face.
  • • Demonstrate understanding of how to identify and deal with the possible abuse, disclosures, and allegations.

Module 1. Who are the adults at risk?

Information on legislation and key definitions.


Module 2. Best practice

An introduction to the six principals adopted by British Gymnastics which underpin best practice to safeguarding adults.


Module 3. Recognising abuse

Identifying the types of abuse and recognising the signs.


Module 4. Reporting concerns

Following guidance and access to support.



This eLearning includes a Quiz to test your knowledge.

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