Richmond Gymnastics Assoc. - Gymnastics Coaches - British Gymnastics

Richmond Gymnastics Assoc. - Gymnastics Coaches

Join the coaching team at Richmond Gymnastics!

RGA Centre Townmead Road, Kew, Surrey TW9 4EL

Now actively recruiting for Level 2+ General / Floor & Vault coaches. Full and part time roles available.

We are a registered charity and live by our motto 'to every child the opportunity'. We celebrate individual achievements that are unique to each child. As well as being home to Acrobatic European Champions (2023) we run a large recreational programme including pre-school, general, disability gymnastics and more. We also provide opportunities for all abilities to take part in club competitions, displays and festivals.

We are looking for qualified and enthusiastic coaches to join our General Gymnastics and Floor & Vault teams. 

Full and part time roles available. Competitive salary.

If this sounds like a club you could be a part of, then please send your CV to for the attention of Salme Naylor.

Closing date for applications: 17th June 2024
